It’s now the day after election day and current Democratic losses seem kinda grim if you’re looking at Texas – we didn’t flip a senate seat, we didn’t get governor or lieutenant governor, and we didn’t flip the whole state blue. Last night my Facebook feed was pretty bleak, with people feeling defeated and ready […]
Category: Politics
Unwanted Advances
Congress has joined several industries with the dubious honor of being rife with sexual misconduct (sexual assault, inappropriate advances, harassment, et al.) and, as with the tech industry and the entertainment industry, women (and men) are coming out of the woodwork to lay bare what’s happened to them. Some of the accusations are surprising – […]
I have no obligation to tolerate Nazis
I’ve posted this and other things like this on Facebook before, but it bears repeating. I’m going to mention this again (and again, and again, and again – as many times as necessary), as an avid WWII history buff, and as someone whose grandparents were heavily involved in the war effort at home. If you […]
Two Things
Given my last post, I’m thankful that no matter how bad of a day I’m having I’m not Anthony Scaramucci right now. Apparently, Jonah Goldberg (and The National Review as a whole) is a voice of reason now. Yes, we are still living in a world where Trump is president. No, this is not an […]
Trump Goes To Court
I’m pretty sure the reason Trump tweeted, “SEE YOU IN COURT!” is because he’s so used to being in court. Being sued all the time (or suing people all the time) probably makes it like his second home (you know, after Trump Tower, Mar-A-Lago, and the White House). But I digress. For those of you […]
Burning The Village To Save It
I hated school growing up. It was terrible. I was bullied incessantly by teachers and students alike, and because I was above average but also had an oppositional and independent streak (a really big one) I wasn’t allowed to participate in gifted programs. I had “an attitude problem,” I was “disrespectful,” I didn’t “work well […]
The Problem of Loyalty
Many people I know are mourning the upcoming inauguration. Trump has been elected, he’s readying his cabinet (oh god, the cabinet…), but the inauguration hasn’t even happened yet and even Krauthammer is saying The Honeymoon Is Over. Look, I’m never going to like Donald Trump. I think he’s in the category for Top 5 Worst […]
This is at the same time my favorite and least-favorite time of year. The holidays mean cooking, baking, cheesy music, and fancy decorations. Unfortunately, the holidays also mean stressful social situations, packed stores, and, for people with anxiety, feeling the crushing weight of inescapable social obligations (GIVE. ALL. THE. GIFTS!!!!!!!!). It also means melancholy remembrances of family […]
Something something free market dark side….
Let’s talk about Carrier. As a native Texan, I love their products. Their air conditioning systems make life down here in the armpit of America bearable. (Side note, if Florida is America’s wang and the Gulf Coast is the armpit, where does that leave the rest of America’s anatomy? I’ll leave that for a future […]
Electoral Remorse
After watching elections for 30+ years, and participating in elections for 16 years, I’ve learned that electoral remorse is one of the biggest barriers to political participation. When people feel like their politicians have failed them, they stop participating in the process. I read and hear a lot of people complaining that all politicians are […]